Monday, June 20, 2011

What makes a hot hero?

I saw the beautiful people dating website, which shall remain nameless, had kicked off 30,000 members because they didn't meet the standard of beauty set by other members.  So all of these ugly people, presumably, had nothing to offer the more shallow, narcissistic, 'you can't be in our club' losers.

Stop.  Really.

Two of my favorite heroes are in the 'ugly' club - both Mary Balogh creations. In The Secret Pearl, Adam Kent, Duke of Ridgeway, was wounded in the Napoleonic Wars, receiving a scarred face and severe wounds on his side. He has such a look that he frightens the heroine, but he is everything that is noble and caring.

In Simply Love, Syd Butler was wounded in the Peninsular Wars, captured by the French and tortured. He has lost his right eye, his right arm and his also wounded and scarred down to his knee. He is vulnerable and determined.

Both of these heroes might not be considered worthy in today's superficial world but they are really what makes a man a man. Ms. Balogh has portrayed their characters with raw emotion, each dealing with their outward appearance with honor and dignity. Both were beautiful and were proof that beauty is more than skin deep.

1 comment:

Natasha Blackthorne said...

Yes, the Duke of Ridgeway was hot.